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Monday 3rd Cleaning up UGUI Super TreeView demo scripts into something usable for Ephemeris Experimenting with building a custom tree view using vanilla Unity layout primitivesUnity layout is very slow with deeply nested hierarchies Back to cleaning up Super TreeView Tuesday 4th Refactoring tree view layout system Connecting lines to child items and sibling items, based on new layout events Fixed expanding/collapsing sub trees Deleting some demo code from asset, moving the rest out of the FUI package Wednesday 5th Cleaning up super treeview editors Fixing potentially unbounded memory use in pooling Splitting demo script up into smaller/more composable scriptsConnect to sibling Connect to the first child Expand/Collapse toggle button Label Icon Refactored layout events to simplify event handling when elements are recycled/moved to another subtree Working out how to do live tree search (rapid and efficient showing and hiding of many tree nodes)Removing and adding the nodes would work, but seems expensive. Maybe do-able with careful pooling but maintaining state seems like a nightmare. Scaling items to zero height could workLayout system needs work to respect scale Some thing like lines connecting to nodes will look weird (trying to connect to zero height nodes) Thursday 6th Created Detach
and Attach
methods which act like Delete
and Insert
, but do not manage object life time. This allows rapidly removing and re-adding items.Fixing layout issues caused by detach/attach Added support for disabling objects, updated layout algorithm to ignore disabled objects Fixed creating new objects not initialising everything in the right order Friday 7th Adding methods to recursively enable nodes in tree view Removed some expand/collapse animation (scaling mode) Cleaning up clipping related code, no longer dynamically adding and removing components Begun implementing filteringPartially implemented as a separate filter componentNeed to handle new nodes added after the filter is applied This is going to have too many GetComponent
calls during UI updates Monday 10th Started on a new system for filteringCaching info in behaviours (just one lookup) Maybe apply filter in coroutine (spread work out over more frames) Handling add event and applying filters as soon as items are added Chasing down layout issue when enabling itemsModified helper for invalidating layout to walk up tree instead of down Added the same system when enabling all (faster path) Adding UniTask package to FUI project Applying changes in a coroutine, spreading the work of a huge UI tree over more frames Starting a new layout with the same filter again every time a node is added or removed Tuesday 11th Creating tree view prefabs:General prefab with icon, vertical line, content box Modifying collapsing so it always takes the same time, no matter how deep the subtree Removed async applying, it was causing very hard to track down layout issues in weird edge cases Deferred applying filter until update, this means several changes to the filter within one change only incur one apply Wednesday 12th Stylising prefab in FUI styleCreating icons Creating crisp outlines Adding blur background on content Fixed some layout issues when content height changes Thursday 13th Adding a highlight to tree view itemsCreated a behaviour to show highlights and "ping" them Refactoring node caching, so less behaviours need looking up at runtime "Pinging" nodes when they are matched Final cleanupMoved scripts into final locations in FUI package Added editor menu items to create tree view Updating packages in main project Added treeview into multiplayer gameplay scene Investigating occasional slowdowns at high timespeedModified backpressure to be based on the shortest sampled rail, instead of shortest integrated rail Modified rail sampler to not begin sampling until there is valid rail data to sample. This prevents fresh entities from causing backpressure Test entities seem extreme:Added in the past Extreme precision Very short max rail length. Fixed that - there's testing a worst case scenario, and there's whatever that was! Discovered that updating the cinemachine package broken astronomical cameras Friday 14th Reverted Cinemachine package Upgraded Cinemachine again Rewriting astronomical camera controller to use new input system Experimenting with a new astronomical camera controller Saturday 15th Experimenting with stencil buffer for lasers Putting together a test scene with decals (emissive, for hot spots) and screen space lens flare Sunday 16th Experimenting with depth nodes in URP to render lasers at right depth Got it working with stencils!Process explained in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzM8LGzMjmc Set material on something (e.g. damage blob) that writes a value to the stencil, does not write colour or depth Move everything you want stencilled to a separate layer Modify renderer asset to remove this layer from Opaque Layer Mask
and Transparent Layer Mask
. This prevents it from being rendered. Add a Render Object
Set Layer Mask to this separate layer Override stencil, Compare Equal
to whatever the value was that was written in step 1 Monday 17th Using new input system with CinemachineInputController for astronomical cam Added a pan input with a modifier (Shift + Right Click + Drag)Enabled Input Consumption
which makes more specific bindings (e.g. Shift + Right Click + Drag
) pre-empty less specific ones (Right Click + Drag
) How to keep panning values?Switch away from target1, switch back to target1, should it restore the pan?Yes Focus stack might already handle this, as long as everything has a VCAM Need a re-centering button Created camera pan script using new input system Tuesday 18th Minor cleanup on camera stack controller Started on a tree view controllerIndividual "section controllers" can add root sections and a system to manage themselves Created a tree view controller for kepler bodiesFinding them and tagging with marker component Processing static bodies too Updated SolarSystemHost
using old inheritance based way of setting up worlds to use GameTimeWorldHost
(partially switching to the newer composition-based way)Fully migrated to composition-based sim host Moved utility bits of old SolarSystemHost
out to new scripts Wednesday 19th Restyling treeview prefabs to make them more compact and slightly less visually noisy Making prefabs auto size to content by default Setting up search for treeview in main project Cleaned up tree view string filter test code and moved it into main project Generating "filter tags" for planets as they are added to the UI, e.g. Solar/Earth/Luna
Case insensitive matching/filtering Adding click handler to treeview prefab Resetting camera to origin when moving planets Moving the camera around Jupiter sucks, it's too big Fixing weird Jupiter coloursTinted orange/brown, when it should just be white Quick investigation into rail sampling costTimings with 200 entities (very rough):550us with kinematic interpolation 430us with linear interpolation 390us with no interpolation Thursday 20th Continuing investigation into rail sampling costAdding "hinting" - storing where valid data was last frame and using that if it's still applicablePage hints: 480us Index hints: 405us Hinting with Linear interpolation (not actually usable, just for comparison): 320us Future optimisation: use linear interpolation when things are out of the camera frustum Copied ship name generator from Protologic, added a few more name fragments Attaching names to generated NBodies in test scene Showing list of NBodies in UI Fixed error with Jupiter Axial tilt loading Friday 21st Monday 24th Added button to make rails relative to planets Adapting camera min radius to planet sizeScroll sensitivity automatically adapts too Fixed scale of Europa Adding physics colliders to planets, so they can be clicked on Fixing some UI elements eating raycasts Refactoring on click scripts Debugging why raycasts aren't working at all nowFixed raycasts not working in sub canvases Created click handler to focus planetsAttached to planet prefabs Tuesday 25th Added invisible "backboard" objects to camera, to catch all raycasts that don't land on anything else Changed planet focus to be double click Refactored content importers, moving them to the main project assembly Started on a crosshair, showing what's selected/hovered over Wednesday 26th Investigating a single frame flicker when snapping view from planet to planetDelayed switching scene origin by one frame Created a pool of crosshairs, so multiple objects can be highlighted at once Designing near/far view system Creating a system for managing view modesAdded view mode to camera manager Creating a method to get supported view modes from a GameObject Created marker component pointing to different bodies in different view modes Thursday 27th Updating camera stack controller to switch view modes dynamically Fixed issue with cinemachine camera channels not being set correctly Creating a method to switch view mode, if the current focus object supports other modes Adding button to switch view mode Added a general script to trigger buttons from an input action (i.e. hotkey) Experimenting with cinemachine cameras for a "glance" feature when hovering over somethingCan set a camera to only control rotation Slewing to things at extreme distances seems to be broken (even though it's only rotating) Child VCams don't seem to be visible to the brain CinemachineMixingCamera is a thing, but that kind of requires doing it manually Friday 28th Fixing planet visual radii Imported improved Venus surface texture Experimented with packing roughness info into mercury texture Creating a fuel tank component, for tracking total fuel on an entityUpdated engine burn system to subtract fuel as burns happen Removing old Docking Sim fuel tank componentFixing up docking sim scripts referring to furl Fixing pod prefab to work with new view modes