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Monday 17th

  • Blender
    • Exporting to Unity
    • UV mapping
    • Texturing
  • Myriad.ECS
    • Added Archetype.Entities property
    • Unity integration, show entities for archetype
  • HandyNetworking
    • Experimenting with SyncVar
    • Fixed peers not seeing themselves in lobby
    • Better handling of connection timeouts
  • Breakout (multiplayer testbed)
    • Lobby handling of connecting/disconnecting

Tuesday 18th

  • Discussed on Discord
    • Component design
    • Scenarios/campaign structure
    • Rules of engagement
    • Tech research/unlocks
  • Experimented with Myriad.ECS.Networking library
  • Debugging FUI framework buttons
  • Restructured scene loading
    • Trying to find a good approach to passing "arguments" between scenes that doesn't end up with a DontDestroyOnLoad based mess.

Wednesday 19th

  • Experimented with Myriad.ECS auto parallel system groups
    • Declarative component dependencies
    • Updated Myriad Unity integration
  • Learning blender (particularly ND)

Thursday 20th

  • Learning more blender (space station fuel depot)

Friday 21st

  • SceneManager wrapper, allowing passing "parameters" through scene load
  • Updating test lobby to use new scene loading system

Monday 24th

  • Breakout lobby state sync (ready status)
    • Developing pattern for server managed state
      • Send request to change state from client
      • Send out new state from server
      • Send initial state to client on join
  • HandyNetworking enhancements
    • Checking header ID to prevent spoofing
    • Removed packet relaying to simplify things, remove the possibility of spoofing altogether
    • Better handling of OnPeerConnected event
  • Experimented with splitting scene in multiple layers
    • Astronomical Object layer for planets, moons, orbits, map markers etc
    • Small Object layer for things like spaceships and asteroids
    • Two layers can be composited to have very large things (planets) and very small things (spaceships) in the same view

Tuesday 25th

  • Began experimenting with compositing cameras
  • Experimented with scalable resolution management
    • Requires DX12
    • DX12 seems to be painfully slow/stuttery (in editor) and there are reports that it is slow in builds too
  • Stacking cameras with different postprocessing effects
    • Allows for ships and planets to have different processing
    • Copy rotation and FoV from "small" camera to "astronomical" camera
    • Place astronomical exactly at the position of the ship (with planet scene scaling)
    • Allow small camera to move freely around ship, with normal scene scaling (1u == 1m).
    • Illusion of infinite distance to planet