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Monday 1st

  • Created "base" scene which contains the various necessary things to make up a scene
    • Skybox config (galaxy)
    • Instanced stars renderer
    • Camera stack (big/little)
    • Postprocessing volume
  • Experimented with cinemachine and layered cameras
    • Seems to work as expected
  • Adjusted Earth graphics (improving atmospheric scattering)
  • Introduced "layer" tag types, which allows distinguishing layers in the type system. These types have a property specifying the scaling for that layer (meters per unit)
    • Changed some Myriad components/systems to require layer tags. This allows multiple to be bound for different layers.
      • ScenePosition<TLayer>, UnityTransform<TLayer>, SetScenePositionFromWorldPosition<TLayer>
  • Tested compositing camera layers in SolarSystem scene, setting NBody as focus.
  • Investigated feasibility of using Unity job system for scheduling integrator work

Tuesday 2nd

  • Investigated poor performance with integrator and a large number of NBodies (1000+)
    • Fixed a bug that was causing excess tasks to be allocated - one task per nbody per frame, even if no work was needed!
    • Wrote a new version of the integrator based on Unity jobs instead of dotnet tasks
  • Expanded Myriad.ECS query API (adding various overloads which allow not passing some params, or passing them by ref).
  • Added new event type, so the visual origin and the rail relative origin are different things.
  • Started building CameraStackController behaviour, to manage everything involved in switching camera modes

Wednesday 3rd

  • Experimented with bloom/lens dirt. URP lens flare asset can't use HDR colour, so interacting with bloom is difficult.
  • Worked on CameraStackController
    • Mode transition (small vs astronomical)
    • Integration with cinemachine
      • copying appropriate data from cinemachine
      • activating/deactivating vcams on transition
      • changing channel on brain to work with relevant vcams
      • hard cut on transition
    • Developing an orbital camera
    • NBodyOrbitLine rendering is broken in small mode, need to think about how to offset that into the right position
  • Investigating Unity new Input System (easier to use with Cinemachine, maybe)

Thursday 4th

  • Experimenting with fixing NBodyOrbitLine in small mode
    • Added support for transforms to nbody line shader
    • Moving nbody line transform to the same scene position as whatever entity the line is relative to
  • Added new layer for AstronomicalOverlay - map markers and other things that should only appear in "astronomical" mode
  • Improved Myriad.ECS Unity editor integration
    • Proper support for nested generic components - showing the full generic type definition in the inspector

Friday 5th

  • Improved Myriad.ECS Unity editor integration
    • Added support for generic nested systems - showing the full generic type definition in the inspector
    • Debugging SerializedObjectNotCreatableException thrown by Unity when certain inspectors are shown
  • Placeholder.Editor.UI
    • Changes to support drawing default editor, which seemed to be the cause of the mysterious SerializedObjectNotCreatableException
    • Moving all files into better folder hierarchy
    • General polish (lots of nullability improvements)
  • Updated Ephemeris to use new packages
  • Experimenting with an entity browser window (construct queries and view result entities)

Monday 8th

  • Build an input controller for Cinemachine which only drives input while right mouse button is clicked
  • Tweaked gains to get nice feeling camera controls in astronomical view
  • Made RailIntegrator properly dispose all in-flight jobs when the system is disposed
  • Imported settings file load/save from Ephemeris3
    • Hooked up simulation settings (integrator min/max DT & epsilon)
    • Hooked up audio settings (created some new audio mixers to apply setting to)
  • Dug up old prototype code (written 2 years ago) for drawing very large numbers of symbols using instancing, begun porting it to Ephemeris4
    • Rewrite required to make it work with Myriad.ECS
  • Total rewrite of parallel query system in Myriad.ECS
    • ParallelQuery now runs in approximately 40% of the time!

Tuesday 9th

  • Rewritten Myriad.ECS ParallelChunkQuery to use the new threading system
    • Improved Myriad.ECS threading system to better distribute work across threads by randomising work stealing, leading to less contention.

Wednesday 10th

  • Worked on rendering symbols using instanced rendering
    • Prototype with DrawInstancedIndirect
    • Rewritten prototype with RenderMeshPrimitives
    • Wrote shader for drawing billboarded icons, with scaling based on distance. Adapted from starfield skybox shader.
      • Spent ages debugging ComputeBuffer usage
  • Further optimisations and improvements to Myriad.ECS parallel queries
    • Main thread steals work when waiting, very slight speedup
    • Catching and collecting exceptions from all parallel workers, instead of deadlocking when an exception is throw.

Thursday 11th

  • Clean up of Myriad.ECS threading.
    • Considering how to refactor the new system to have a configurable threadpool, such that Unity jobs can act as the backend.
  • Refactoring prototype symbol drawing system
    • Support for symbols on different layers
    • Grab data from ECS for rendering

Friday 12th

  • Added ChunkHandle to Myriad.ECS chunk queries. This allows querying of chunk level properties.
    • Updated various projects after breaking Myriad.ECS change
  • Experimented with putting instanced symbols into scene on layers
  • Started work on overlays - flipbook animated textures added over the top of the base icon

Saturday 13th

  • More work on flipbook overlay

Monday 14th

  • Tidied up symbol rendering code
  • Added a default component renderer to Myriad Unity integration, requiring less custom editors to be written for simple components.
  • Created systems to copy position between layers as necessary
  • Added symbols to Astronomical layer for ships
  • Tested close flying ships in small view (close enough to see the 3d model of the other ship)
  • Fixed Kepler body line rendering using the wrong camera for LOD
    • Slightly increased max point count for Kepler lines
  • Built prototype script for steering spacecraft using keyboard, testing out rail invalidation and recalculation
    • Unsurprisingly, this complex and largely untested system is broken!
    • Fixed up page epochs in the relative rail
    • Discovered the root bug - invalidation of the rail needs to discard the results on in-flight integration job when it finishes!

Tuesday 15th

  • Discarding integrator data if the rail epoch has changed while the job/task was running
    • Two remaining issues to fix:
      • RelativePagedRail BoundingSphere calculation (part of nbody line picking) is sometimes trying to write out of bounds
      • Entity jumps position when a burn is scheduled/cancelled
  • Debugging why nbody line picking isn't working
    • Rewriting nbody picking to use a simpler picking system (simple linear scan, instead of recursive). This fixes the index out of bounds issue.
    • Ray appears to be in the wrong space (needs to be relative to the origin to move back into world space)
  • Debugging entity jumping
    • There are two jumps:
      • A single frame jump to a position
      • A persistent offset for the entire duration of the burn
    • Investigating single frame jump
      • Sampling the rail fails because two points are required (one either side of the sample time) but because the rail has been trimmed down to end at now there's no point after now!
      • Added extrapolation to rail sampler, if two points cannot be found it uses the last known good point and extrapolates. This seems to fix the one frame jump.
    • Investigating shift
      • Probably caused by linear interpolation of a non-linear curve. i.e. the sample is some way into an acceleration (changing velocity) but the sampler is linear (assuming constant velocity)

Wednesday 17th

  • Exported some orbital data from live sim, experimenting with it in Python
  • Some possible fixes
    • Better interpolation, sticking closer to ground truth so the skip is smaller
      • Run an integrator every frame (but lower precision) and re-sync with rails smoothly
      • Fit a curve to the rail points (e.g. bezier) and interpolate along that
    • "Fixup" step
      • Detect when the rail is modified in the section that interpolation is currently sampling, run an explicit fixup step - interpolate from the last predicted position (even though it's wrong) to the next rail point, then interpolate as usual

Thursday 18th

  • Began some work prototyping a new orbit rail sampler, which detects discontinuities.
  • Removed "catch-up" mode in integrator - the current implementation can leave large "holes" in the rail since the catch-up work is not added to the rail
    • Modified rail trimming to reset delta time back to min value, it'll rapidly go back up if it needs to.
  • Prototyping cubic bezier interpolation between points, that helps a lot! There's still some drift since cubic bezier is not a perfect approximation.
  • Built out a stateful sampler:
    • Extrapolation phase - best guess when there's no available rail data
    • Interpolation phase - when there's rail data, using cubic bezier
    • Reconciliation phase - when there's rail data but we just recently finished extrapolating. In this case continue extrapolating and interpolating, and slowly interpolate from one to the other. Lasts 30-60 frames.
  • Noticed that the spacecraft act differently depending upon if the rail was invalidated or not. Even if there's no actual change! Definitely a bug in how invalidation is done, or how recalculation is done.

Monday 22nd

  • Setup a test project to develop integrator interpolation
  • Integrated the same point forward, but using randomised timesteps, then compared distance between interpolated points
  • Tested 3 methods:
    • Linear - terrible
    • Bezier - also terrible but it's smoother, so a slight improvement over linear. Still has just as much error though.
    • Kinematic - amazing, 30x less error. Also should be smooth. Assumes constant acceleration so not technically correct and still just an approximation.
  • Implementing kinematic interpolation in Ephemeris main project, problem seems to be completely fixed!

Tuesday 23rd

  • Removed "catch up" mode from RailIntegrator - running integration work on main thread when an entity is behind. Extrapolation mode in the sampler handles this now.
  • Added an event the integrator can send when entities are falling behind.
  • Tested the (very rough) keyboard controller script, movement now seems to be smooth with no jitter or weird drifting.

Wednesday 24th

  • Investigating why NBodyOrbitLine renderer picking is broken (it was broken a while ago when switching the camera system).
    • Camera ray values coming from Unity seem to be completely wrong. Not attached to mouse, offset is dependent on resolution.
    • Event.Current.mousePosition seems to be the wrong scale, using Input.mousePosition fixes it.
    • Need to offset things by the transform position of the line renderer, to account for the camera being attached to a different thing to what the line is relative to.
  • Optimised nbody orbit picking
    • Normalizing ray ahead of time, so distance calculations can just use 1.0.
    • Replaced many divides in sphere tests with a single 1/x and using multiplies later.
    • Placed a soft limit on the number of points returned.
    • Considered using ray/cylinder tests, these are more expensive to evaluate but will have a tighter fit. Not implemented, it's fast enough at the moment with the soft limit preventing edge cases getting too extreme.

Thursday 25th

  • Experimenting with importing Decal Machine decals from Blender to Unity
  • Experimenting with settings (audio, graphics, sim fidelity etc)
  • Cleaned up some experimental scripts (migrated most of them to the main scripts folder)
  • Began updating RailIntegrator to stop integrating when an orbit intersects a Kepler body
  • Added collision detection to integrator - rails which impact a Kepler body are terminated and not integrated further.

Friday 26th

  • Deleting an entity when it reaches the end of it's orbit
  • Creating an symbol at the impact point of an orbit
  • Updating Myriad.ECS to have basic relationship support
  • Debugging symbol not appearing where it should

Sunday 28th

  • Updated Myriad.ECS to have proper disposable component support, auto disposing any IDisposableComponent when it is destroyed.
  • Updated Ephemeris to new Myriad.ECS version, this exposed a bug in the integrator which was not properly disposing jobs and thus leaked memory.

Monday 29th

  • Tweaked postprocessing colour curves to make dark side of planets darker (but not as extreme as ACES, which wipes out half of the skybox).
  • Tweak Luna material to have more close-in detail (normals as well as albedo)
  • Added a stack of objects which the camera focuses on. When the camera focus object is destroyed it transitions to the previous objects on the stack.
    • Not quite a stack:
      • Only keeps the top-most instance of a thing
      • Dead items are removed from the stack
      • There is a max size, removes oldest objects when exceeded
  • Updated systems that used phantom components to use disposable components where applicable
  • Improved some orbital elements for Saturnian moons
  • Imported ISS to replace boring test sphere
    • Worked out out to export textures from blender
  • Improved shadow quality

Tuesday 30th

  • Working on FUI for docking sim
  • Updated MyriadUnityIntegration package

Wednesday 31st

  • Finding some SFX to use for thrusters
  • Setting up basic SFX playback in demo scene
  • Designing more FUI for docking sim